Educational Blogs from Our Mental Health Therapists

Learn about common challenges, including depression, anxiety, relationships,
trauma, and more, written by Maryland therapists!

Ways That Working on the Relationship with Your Therapist Can Help You Improve Your Relationships Outside of Therapy

Sometimes we forget that your relationship with your therapist is STILL a relationship which means that working on your relationship with your therapist can also help you work on issues showing up in your other relationships. We asked several of our Towson therapists about ways that working on your relationship with your therapist can help you in your relationships outside of therapy. Here’s what they had to say. 

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Ways That You Can Make New (& Healthy) Friends as an Adult in Baltimore County, MD

As therapists, we regularly hear clients (and friends) talk about how difficult it is to make friends as an adult. Not only that, but many of our clients tell us just how hard it is to make friends while engaging in activities that are healthy.  If you live in Baltimore County, and you’re tired of the bar scene, know that there are plenty of options out there. We asked some of our therapists to share some of their favorite Baltimore County resources where you can meet new people, and this is their list. 

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3 Strategies For Setting Healthy Boundaries From Therapists in Maryland

As therapists, we are regularly talking with people about boundary setting. While boundaries are often necessary, the idea of setting them can create a lot of anxiety for people. To support you in your boundary setting, we’ve asked several of our Baltimore County therapists to share some of their favorite tips for setting healthy boundaries.

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Baltimore Area Therapists React to Love is Blind Season 6 with Tips on Communication and Relationships

If you’re a true Love is Blind fan, then you’re already caught up on everything that has happened in Season 6.  Our Greater Baltimore team of therapists loves Love is Blind which is why we’ve decided to share our own relationship and communication tips based on the events that occurred in Season 6. We’ve shared them on social media, and now we’re sharing them here!  We hope you enjoy some of our most comment-worthy moments from season 6! 

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How to Give the Ultimate Holiday Gift Based on Someone’s Love Language

If you’re familiar with Dr. Gary Chapman’s Book on The 5 Love Languages, then you know just how impactful it can be when you show someone love according to their own love language.  You might also be aware of how impactful it can be when someone shows YOU love according to YOUR love language.  As we enter into this gift-giving holiday season, it’s worth keeping our friends and family members’ love languages in mind, so we can give a gift that TRULY hits the spot! 

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Mindfulness, Relationships, Communication Skills Melissa Wesner Mindfulness, Relationships, Communication Skills Melissa Wesner

Holiday Gift Giving Mistakes to Avoid

When we fail to recognize another person’s love language in our gift-giving, we can miss the mark, despite making a genuine effort to show thoughtfulness and care.  When we fail to give a gift according to someone’s love language, the gift recipient can be left feeling overlooked and unappreciated.  In this blog, I’ll be sharing some gift giving mistakes from my own life (or others I know), so you can avoid making them this holiday season! 

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5 Tips to Prevent and Manage Conflicts with College Roommates

For many people, college is an exciting opportunity to move away from home, find and explore your passions, and have a little bit of fun. For many people, college is also a time to explore what it is like to have roommates, and typically, they live, sleep, and eat only about six feet away from you. Living with anyone can be hard, and it is especially difficult to live with someone during one of the most stressful, exciting, and transitional times of your life. Conflicts, especially with roommates, are inevitable, so it is important to know how to navigate (and maybe even prevent some of) these uncomfortable situations. 

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Boundaries: A Key Aspect of Healthy Relationships and Protecting Your Peace

Setting a boundary with someone means clearly communicating the limitations and rules of your relationship with them. Typically, your personal boundaries will stem from your values and experiences. While setting a boundary might start an uncomfortable conversation, the power and confidence of saying “no” is an important skill in fostering healthy relationships (with others and with yourself!). 

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Resources, Communication Skills Melissa Wesner Resources, Communication Skills Melissa Wesner

Ways to Offer Support to Family Members Who Refuse to Seek Therapy

Encouraging family members to seek therapy can be challenging, especially if they are resistant to the idea. However, therapy can be a valuable tool for helping individuals address mental health conditions, emotional struggles, and personal challenges. If your family members won't seek therapy, here are some steps you can take.

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How to Effectively Communicate with Your Child’s Mental Health Therapist

As parents, we are accustomed to frequent communication for our children’s teachers. Getting recommendations for how to do our part at home to help them become independent readers, well-practiced musicians, competitive athletes, etc. The same level of communication is important in maximizing your child’s time within therapy as well. They are your world, we know! You are seeking therapeutic services for them because you want to strengthen their emotional well-being, see them achieve their goals, and grow up to be healthy, well-rounded individuals!

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Communication Skills, Relationships, Resources Melissa Wesner Communication Skills, Relationships, Resources Melissa Wesner

Learning to Fight Against the Pattern, and Not Your Partner

Why is it important to look at the relationship instead of the other person? Because we all carry assumptions, unrealistic expectations, and even baggage from previous relationships. Merely focusing on what our partner has done/said wrong, will result in missing the chance to examine what really gets in the way.

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Catching the Bullet: How to Practice Nonviolent Communication with Your Partner

In wedding vows, we promise that we are going to “love”, “cherish”, “support, etc.” our partners through all the ups and downs. It might sound weird to promise “not to use violence” to our partners, probably because people rarely consider themselves capable of getting violent with their significant others.

Although we all dream of a peaceful home, we can shoot word bullets at our loved ones without even noticing. That's why it is crucial to begin by recognizing the bullets.

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对大多数人来说,用母语交流就像吃饭睡觉一样轻而易举,而相比之下,用外语来沟通,真的更费脑子——除了要费尽心思寻找合适的表达方式,还要克服心理上的焦虑。这个焦虑有个专门的词,叫“外语焦虑”(foreign language anxiety,简称FLA)。

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How to Cope with Foreign Language Anxiety as a Non-Native English Speaker

Sweaty hands, racing heartbeat, mind going blank, uneasy, nervous, embarrassed… If you speak English as a second language, the above might not sound unfamiliar to you, especially if you are caught on the spot, struggling to figure out what words to use to save your face. Nevertheless, the person in front of you gets more and more confused…

While speaking one's native language seems so natural and easy, trying to command a foreign language requires extra mental resources — finding the right words and calming foreign language anxiety (FLA).

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Sex Therapy, Communication Skills, Resources Melissa Wesner Sex Therapy, Communication Skills, Resources Melissa Wesner

How to Talk With Your Healthcare Provider About Your Sexual Health

Consider, when was the last time you had a conversation with your doctor, nurse, or therapist about your sexual health? When was the last time they asked you about your sexual health? If you’re like many, it’s possible that you’ve never had this conversation with your provider and/or that they’ve never tried having this conversation with you either.

So the question remains, why is nobody talking about sexual health when it is a crucial component of our overall wellness? And, what are the steps we can take to change that?

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Communication Skills, Relationships Melissa Wesner Communication Skills, Relationships Melissa Wesner

How to Effectively Connect with Your Partner Using Stress-Reducing Conversations

Some couples find that they naturally develop rituals like a hug or a kiss when they part ways at the start of the day and when they reunite.  It’s easy to get caught up in the busy-ness of the day, however, so many couples can benefit from developing intentional rituals in their day. One such ritual developed by John and Julie Gottman at The Gottman Institute is known as the “Stress Reducing Conversation.” 

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Communication Skills, Boundary Setting Melissa Wesner Communication Skills, Boundary Setting Melissa Wesner

How to Have Hard Conversations With Others: The Soft-Start Up Technique

As a therapist, I’m often helping people take steps to initiate hard conversations with someone close to them. I often hear people delay these conversations because they don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings, because they think someone will respond poorly, or because they’ve made an assumption about how the other person will respond. While all of these concerns are valid, avoidance of hard conversations prevents important issues from being addressed and resolved.

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Parents' Communication Toolkit: Nonverbals, It's All in How You Say It

This blog will dive into non-verbal communication, or, body language, and the way this can enhance or detract from communication with your child. Awareness around the different elements of non-verbal communication can help set a conversation up for success and build a sense of closeness in a relationship. Strategic use of non-verbals can also enhance the effectiveness of communication and support memory and comprehension.

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Parents’ Communication Toolkit: Paraverbals, It’s All in How You Say It

The phrase “It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it'' has become a cliche at this point, but for good reason! There are many factors outside of the actual words being spoken that affect how communication is received. This blog will focus on paraverbal communication.

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Parents’ Communication Toolkit: Listening Skills to Help Cultivate a Healthy Connection with Your Child

When you are engaged in communication with someone, you are either receiving information or sharing information. Different situations call for different balancing of these roles. Parenting often focuses on the sending, or speaking, role. In the course of giving directions and reminders, and sharing information we can unconsciously dominate the conversational space. Children are often relegated to the receiving, or listening, role. It is incredibly impactful when you create opportunities for your child to express themselves while offering yourself as an active listener.

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