Educational Blogs from Our Mental Health Therapists
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A Baltimore Guide: Healthy Distractions for Distress Tolerance
Distraction is a skill that can be used, NOT to solve our issues but, to give us time to calm ourselves. By allowing our intense emotions to lessen over time, we can have more control and power in our lives. DBT uses an A.C.C.E.P.T.S model. While my last post focused on the outdoors, this one highlights indoor activities in Baltimore where you can apply this model.
Sensory Self-Care: How to Relax at Some of Baltimore’s Best Spots
Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is a skills based model that teaches tools to help people with many struggles. These range from depression, anxiety, and anger. One central concept is self-soothing. While these techniques aren’t the solution to difficult feelings, they can help serve as tools in your tool box. I often tell my clients we want as many tools as we can! I describe self soothing and free ways to engage locally in the Baltimore area.
Considering a Digital Detox? Reasons and Strategies for Unplugging
Over the years, countless clients have shared how social media affects their lives and their thoughts about taking a break from it. Many people face similar stressors tied to technology and social media use, and recently, there’s been a growing conversation around unplugging—but for different reasons than before. In this blog, we’ll explore the most common reasons people consider digital detoxes and offer tailored strategies to help you address the specific challenges you may be facing.
When The Holiday Hurts
I remember growing up and being excited for holidays. My mom was always so careful to make sure my brother and I had everything we wanted, all carefully wrapped in perfect bows under the tree. Holidays growing up were a special time where we could come together as a family and share in the love, joy, hope and peace the season brings. I look back fondly over the childhood memories of Thanksgiving and Christmas, but recently, I’ve noticed a crack in the rose colored glasses I’ve fought hard to protect.
You Know the Drill: Practicing Coping Skills Before You Need Them and Start Benefiting From Them When You Do
You might think back to a new coping skill and think…
“What were the steps, again?”
“Was I supposed to breathe before counting or count while breathing?”
“What was that really clever affirmation that my therapist and I came up with that I was supposed to remember?”
“Okay, I’m doing what we did in session, but it isn’t working. I feel the same!”
If this scenario does not sound familiar, that may be great! You may successfully use coping skills. However, learning to “troubleshoot” coping skills is a valuable skill. Even when you have an entire toolbox with working equipment, you need to be able to know how to problem solve if that needed tool isn’t working as well that day.
Work It!: How to Start Acting as the Person Who You Want to Be!
Who do you want to be? The question sounds large and intimidating because suddenly, you find yourself thinking of celebrities, role models, and superheroes who you would like to look in the mirror and see staring back at you. But, the question is not if you could be anyone, who would you be? It is, who do you want to be as yourself?
Thank You, Next: Embrace Unhelpful Thoughts and Continue Focusing on What Matters Most to You!
Our minds do so much for us every minute of every day. They are our internal hard drive, protector, and a never-ending storyteller. So, while our minds can be the number one helper in perceiving, interpreting, and engaging with the world, they can also be our number one bully when we perceive, interpret, and engage with our world through the lens of our less helpful thoughts.
The Power of “And”: The Art of Balancing the Dreams and Limits of Our Inner Worlds!
How many times have you had a similar thought: “I want to ____, but I am ____.”
Depending on how you would fill in the blanks, the thought sounds like a very short story. Maybe your short story started with a desire or a hope, but the second blank ended the story before the story began. The reason for this is the key word: “but.”
A dialectic is when two oppositional concepts can be true and simultaneously exist in the same space. When we use “but” in a thought, we automatically allow one oppositional concept to dominate.
Ace Your ACE Skills: Use Mindfulness Anywhere and Anytime
The idea of using mindfulness anywhere and anytime may sound somewhat strange. Using mindfulness while in line at the grocery store or in the middle of a presentation may seem pretty far-fetched, but with three letters, it is less far-fetched than you might think!
ACE stands for acknowledging your emotion(s), connecting with your body, and engaging with your surroundings. It is at the root of every mindfulness exercise, and you already have all the tools you need to use it effectively.
What is Right With You? Exploring Personal Strengths in Therapy
If I were to ask you to name all of the things that were wrong with you, I would bet that you would have a fairly easy time rattling off an entire list of all of the negative thoughts you have about yourself.. But what if I asked you to name the things that are right with you? Would this list be just as easy to create? When we shift our focus to understanding and building upon our strengths and natural qualities, it can create a mindset of resiliency, positivity, and confidence that allows individuals to be the makers of their own change. It is for this reason that exploring your personal strengths in therapy may be the key to unlocking your full potential.
Mastering Your Mindset for Mental Health and Business
Whether you’re talking to a coach or a counselor, both will agree that your mindset matters. We may use different language to discuss this topic, but the way you think and talk to yourself will impact your business and your mental health and emotional well-being. If you’re an entrepreneur who knows that you get caught up in unhelpful ways of thinking, you’re in the right spot!
10 Tips for Managing Stress as an Entrepreneur
While entrepreneurship can be an empowering and exciting experience, it can also be incredibly stressful. In order to maintain one’s well-being and manage the ongoing stressors that will inevitably arise, business owners need to have a few handy stress management tools in their back pockets. Here are some of my favorites.
Mindfulness in Action: How Entrepreneurs Can Incorporate Mindfulness Concepts Into Their Day
Busy entrepreneurs who are interested in mindfulness might be concerned about having one more thing to do each day. Mindfulness, however, is a practice that we can integrate into our day. It’s not a task that requires us to set aside additional time. In fact, applying mindfulness concepts and practices can help us to be more calm, present, and focused as we go about our day. Let's take a look at how busy entrepreneurs can utilize these concepts throughout the day.
How to Give the Ultimate Holiday Gift Based on Someone’s Love Language
If you’re familiar with Dr. Gary Chapman’s Book on The 5 Love Languages, then you know just how impactful it can be when you show someone love according to their own love language. You might also be aware of how impactful it can be when someone shows YOU love according to YOUR love language. As we enter into this gift-giving holiday season, it’s worth keeping our friends and family members’ love languages in mind, so we can give a gift that TRULY hits the spot!
Holiday Gift Giving Mistakes to Avoid
When we fail to recognize another person’s love language in our gift-giving, we can miss the mark, despite making a genuine effort to show thoughtfulness and care. When we fail to give a gift according to someone’s love language, the gift recipient can be left feeling overlooked and unappreciated. In this blog, I’ll be sharing some gift giving mistakes from my own life (or others I know), so you can avoid making them this holiday season!
Mindfulness Resources for Kids to Help Them Regulate Emotions and Reduce Stress
Mindfulness encourages us to pay attention to the present moment; it means being aware of our thoughts, feelings, and our environment. When we practice mindfulness, we are helping ourselves to regulate emotions and reduce stress. However, this can be a difficult skill to master, especially for children! Here are some fun and creative ways to practice mindfulness and help your child stay present throughout the day.
DIY Creative Stress-Relief Crafts for Children: Calm Jar for Reducing Stress
Have you ever noticed that when your child is upset, stressed, or frustrated, it can seem impossible for them to control their behaviors and reactions? You may also notice that their breathing is fast and short and that their heart rate has sped up too. The calm jar is one tool that we can use to help kids practice mindfulness, the ability to calm down and focus on what is going through their mind, body, and environment. This is an excellent (and fun!) craft for you and your child to make together.
The Power of Retreats: 10 Ways They Fuel Success for Small Business Owners
As a small business owner, the journey to success can be both thrilling and demanding. Research has shown that retreats offer numerous advantages for entrepreneurs, ranging from increased productivity and creativity to improved overall well-being. In this article, we will delve into ten research-backed ways that retreats can benefit small business owners and transform their professional lives.
A Mindful Approach to Worry: How to Find Calm in the Chaos
Worry is a natural human emotion that we all experience from time to time. However, when worry becomes excessive or starts to interfere with our daily lives, it can lead to anxiety and stress. Fortunately, there are many strategies for managing worry that can help us to feel more calm and in control.
Ways Companies Can Prioritize Their Employees’ Mental Health at Work to Improve Company Morale
Mental health is a crucial aspect of overall well-being, and it is important for companies to prioritize the mental health of their employees. Demonstrating the importance of employees’ mental wellness requires companies to take visible action. Here are a few ways that companies can do this.