Educational Blogs from Our Mental Health Therapists

Learn about common challenges, including depression, anxiety, relationships,
trauma, and more, written by Maryland therapists!

Different Sensory Needs for Adults with ADHD & How to Manage Them

Living with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) as an adult brings unique challenges, especially when sensory processing issues are present. Sensory processing refers to how our nervous system receives and interprets sensory information from the environment. Adults with ADHD often experience heightened or reduced sensitivity to sensory stimuli, referred to as hyper-responsiveness and hypo-responsiveness.

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BPD: Basic Information, Providing Compassion, and Determining Boundaries with Borderline Personality Disorder (Part 2)

It can be difficult to feel compassion for yourself or a loved one with a BPD diagnosis, especially if you experience its ups and downs or its social impact. However, holding compassion for the diagnosis and the person living with it can be a powerful way of reclaiming the power of one’s emotions, thoughts, behaviors, relationships, and sense of self. 

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BPD: Basic Information, Providing Compassion, and Determining Boundaries with Borderline Personality Disorder (Part 1)

Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) has become a more heavily discussed mental illness diagnosis in recent years due to more exposure in the media. Its increased discussion, however, has also brought more misinformation about a complex and misunderstood diagnosis. 

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The Professional You: Navigating Neuro-divergency and Authenticity in the Professional World

If you spend time on the mental health side of the internet or talk with people who do, you may be familiar with the term neurodivergent. However, if you are not and want to know more about it, you have come to the right place!

Neurodivergent refers to brains that work or develop differently from the average development or thinking pattern of the neurotypical brain and occurs due to a variety of reasons, such as mental or medical disorders.

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Depression, Highly-Sensitive Person Melissa Wesner Depression, Highly-Sensitive Person Melissa Wesner

Like an Onion: Peeling Back the Layers of Emotional Discomfort

How many times have you heard one of the following?

“Stop crying.”

“Stop thinking about it.”

“Don’t worry about it.”

“Don’t get so mad.”

“Don’t let it get you down!”

If you related to any of those, chances are, you also felt some kind of internal response to them. Maybe it was a twinge of anger or a flash of a memory from your childhood. Or maybe it is frustrating at the constant message that emotion or thought can be switched on and off on command. 

Crying is normal. Having thoughts, worrying, anger, and sadness are normal! So, if that is the case, why are we so accustomed to telling one another to stop or not think or feel a certain way? 

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How to Best Support Your Highly Sensitive Child

“I think she/he is just too sensitive,” some parents complain. Indeed, some children are more sensitive than others. But does high sensitivity only bring trouble? Who gets to decide what is the right amount of sensitivity and what is too much? Those difficult questions take us into an important research area–HSP (Highly Sensitive Person). If you get frustrated with yourself or/and your child over their high sensitivity, this article is going to help you learn about highly sensitive people and how to best support your child.

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Anxiety, Highly-Sensitive Person Melissa Wesner Anxiety, Highly-Sensitive Person Melissa Wesner

4 Strategies for Managing Negative or Self-Critical Thoughts

Sometimes the thoughts that pop into our heads are ones that make us worry about the future or feel bad about ourselves. And some of these thoughts can be particularly irritating in that they like to stick around or pop up frequently. When we’ve experienced certain thoughts repeatedly, there can be a point in which we actually start believing that they are true, even when they most definitely are not. If you’ve ever struggled with depression or anxiety, it’s likely that you’ve experienced lots of these annoying thoughts.  If you’re a human, it’s 100% likely that you’ve experienced some unhelpful, self-critical thoughts too. 

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Re-Examine Independence and Embrace Healthy Dependency

“I hate that I want someone. Can’t I just be ok being alone?, ” a client of mine used to complain about her “being so needy”. In therapy, it was not uncommon to hear people feeling ashamed about needing someone. – In that sense, my client was not alone. Even among mental health practitioners, early training on mental wellness heavily emphasized independence – you are responsible for what you feel, no one else.

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Mindfulness, Highly-Sensitive Person Melissa Wesner Mindfulness, Highly-Sensitive Person Melissa Wesner

The Power of Softness: A Lesson from Tai Chi on Mood Regulation

Have you ever seen groups of seniors practicing Tai chi in the park early in the morning? It has been one of the most nostalgic moments for me ever since I moved to the U.S. three years ago. Tai chi is an internal Chinese martial art practiced for defense training, health benefits, and meditation. Of course, with its increasing popularity, Tai chi is no longer limited to the Chinese community today.

Someone who watches Tai chi practice for the first time may be shocked by how slow and soft Tai chi looks. That's right. The most powerful principle in Tai chi is called “overcoming hardness with softness.”

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Anxiety, Highly-Sensitive Person Melissa Wesner Anxiety, Highly-Sensitive Person Melissa Wesner

"What’s Wrong With Me? How Do I Cope?" Some Thoughts About Being a Highly-Sensitive Person

Have you ever been told to “stop being so sensitive” or “you’re overreacting”?! Recognize there is nothing wrong with you. You may just be wired differently than some others.

Being sensitive, you are more likely to be anxious, to be an overthinker, to be aware of subtleties, and to be self-critical. On the other hand, being an HSP, you are also more kind and empathetic, thoughtful and considerate towards others, as well as a deep and mindful thinker, someone who appreciates moments of beauty and contemplative reflection.

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