Educational Blogs from Our Mental Health Therapists

Learn about common challenges, including depression, anxiety, relationships,
trauma, and more, written by Maryland therapists!

Ten Strategies for Professionals Facing Secondhand Trauma

Working in fields such as healthcare, social work, or emergency response often exposes professionals to the raw realities of trauma. While their focus is on providing support and care to those directly affected, the toll of bearing witness to suffering can manifest in the caregivers themselves. Here are ten practical tips for professionals navigating the complexities of secondhand trauma. 

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Anxiety, Burnout, Resources Melissa Wesner Anxiety, Burnout, Resources Melissa Wesner

How to Create a Helpful List of Mental Health Referrals for Your Employees

Creating a list of mental health resources for your employees shows that your company is willing to acknowledge mental health, rather than ignore it or stigmatize it.  It also shows a desire to support your employees. While this will require some homework on your end, it will save your employees time which they will appreciate.

When creating your referral list, keep in mind that there are a variety of services that your employees might be needing, depending on the circumstances. Your company can create a mental health referral list that covers a range of needs. 

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Anxiety, Burnout, Resources Melissa Wesner Anxiety, Burnout, Resources Melissa Wesner

Observations to Make Note of When Trying to Collaborate with Local Mental Health Practices to Support Your Employees’ Mental Wellbeing

We’re compiling a list of observations for you to make in order to find therapy practices that are most aligned with the experience you want your employees to have when reaching out for help.  Remember:  the experience you have while reaching out for information will likely be reflective of the experience your employees will have when they are reaching out for help too.

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Anxiety, Burnout, Resources Melissa Wesner Anxiety, Burnout, Resources Melissa Wesner

Questions Companies Can Ask When Looking to Partner with Local Mental Health Practices to Support Their Employees’ Wellbeing

If you’re a Maryland-based company who is looking to collaborate with local mental health practices in order to support your employees’ mental health, we’re here to make your search just a little bit easier. As a mental health therapy practice located in the Greater Baltimore area, these are the questions we would recommend you ask to collaborate with local mental health practices who are going to be a good fit for your employees’ mental health needs. 

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Business Owners, Mindfulness, Motivation Melissa Wesner Business Owners, Mindfulness, Motivation Melissa Wesner

Mastering Your Mindset for Mental Health and Business

Whether you’re talking to a coach or a counselor, both will agree that your mindset matters.  We may use different language to discuss this topic, but the way you think and talk to yourself will impact your business and your mental health and emotional well-being. If you’re an entrepreneur who knows that you get caught up in unhelpful ways of thinking, you’re in the right spot!

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Burnout, Resources, Anxiety, Business Owners, Depression Melissa Wesner Burnout, Resources, Anxiety, Business Owners, Depression Melissa Wesner

Mental Health Resources for Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurs are a unique group, and they face distinct work and lifestyle challenges as a result of their work. While there are a wide-range of mental health resources available to the community at large, it can be more challenging to find resources and services designed specifically for entrepreneurs.  We hope you’ll be able to use this list to identify resources that will be helpful to you. 

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Burnout, Mindfulness, Resources, Anxiety, Business Owners Melissa Wesner Burnout, Mindfulness, Resources, Anxiety, Business Owners Melissa Wesner

10 Tips for Managing Stress as an Entrepreneur

While entrepreneurship can be an empowering and exciting experience, it can also be incredibly stressful.  In order to maintain one’s well-being and manage the ongoing stressors that will inevitably arise, business owners need to have a few handy stress management tools in their back pockets. Here are some of my favorites. 

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Mindfulness in Action: How Entrepreneurs Can Incorporate Mindfulness Concepts Into Their Day

Busy entrepreneurs who are interested in mindfulness might be concerned about having one more thing to do each day. Mindfulness, however, is a practice that we can integrate into our day. It’s not a task that requires us to set aside additional time. In fact, applying mindfulness concepts and practices can help us to be more calm, present, and focused as we go about our day. Let's take a look at how busy entrepreneurs can utilize these concepts throughout the day.

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College Students, Resources, Anxiety Melissa Wesner College Students, Resources, Anxiety Melissa Wesner

Mastering the Art of Time Management: Helpful Tips for Busy College Students

Are you the type of college student that LOVES to be busy? You’re probably taking a full academic course load, working an on-campus job, and involved in several clubs and organizations. Combine all of your obligations with your desire to have a social life (which is so important for your well-being!), you’re probably exhausted and looking for a way to navigate the busy college years and make time for it all. Trust me, I’ve been there too! Here are a few of my favorite tried and true ways to master the art of time management.

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The Power of Retreats: 10 Ways They Fuel Success for Small Business Owners

As a small business owner, the journey to success can be both thrilling and demanding. Research has shown that retreats offer numerous advantages for entrepreneurs, ranging from increased productivity and creativity to improved overall well-being. In this article, we will delve into ten research-backed ways that retreats can benefit small business owners and transform their professional lives.

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How Brainspotting Can Unlock Your Creative Potential as a Business Owner

As a business owner, you're constantly juggling multiple responsibilities, managing your team, and trying to grow your business. It can be a challenging and stressful experience, and it's important to find ways to stay focused and centered amidst the chaos. That's where Brainspotting comes in. Brainspotting is a powerful therapeutic approach that helps you access and process emotions and thoughts that may be blocking your success and growth.

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Anxiety, Burnout, Resources, Business Owners Melissa Wesner Anxiety, Burnout, Resources, Business Owners Melissa Wesner

Signs of Burnout and How to Break the Cycle and Take Action for Your Wellbeing

Burnout is a common problem that affects millions of people worldwide and can have serious consequences for our health and well-being if left untreated. Burnout takes a toll on our physical, mental, and emotional well-being due to extended periods of stress and overwork.  However, recognizing the signs of burnout early on can help us take action before it's too late. Here are some common symptoms of burnout and what you can do to address them.

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Burnout, Anxiety, Resources Melissa Wesner Burnout, Anxiety, Resources Melissa Wesner

5 Ways The School Systems Can Prioritize Teachers' Mental Health

Teaching can be an incredibly rewarding profession, but it can also be challenging and stressful. Teachers are responsible for the education and well-being of their students, which can be a heavy burden to carry. As a result, teachers often experience high levels of stress and burnout, which can have a negative impact on their mental health. In this blog post, we will explore some ways that school systems can support teachers' mental health.

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Anxiety, Burnout, Trauma and PTSD, Resources Melissa Wesner Anxiety, Burnout, Trauma and PTSD, Resources Melissa Wesner

Innovative Ways Hospital Systems Can Support Nurses' Mental Health

Nurses play a critical role in the healthcare system, providing essential care to patients and supporting doctors and other healthcare professionals. However, the job of being a nurse can be extremely demanding, both physically and mentally, which can lead to burnout, stress, and other mental health issues. In this blog, we will discuss some ways in which hospital systems can support the mental health of their nurses.

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Anxiety, Burnout, Trauma and PTSD Melissa Wesner Anxiety, Burnout, Trauma and PTSD Melissa Wesner

The Unseen Mental Health Struggles Faced by Nurses Working in Healthcare

Nursing is a challenging and demanding profession that requires a high level of skill and commitment. Nurses are responsible for the care of patients, often in highly stressful and emotionally charged situations. While the focus is on the care of patients, it is important not to overlook the mental health challenges faced by nurses themselves. In this blog post, we will explore some of the mental health challenges faced by nurses and the impact they can have.

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Burnout, Anxiety, Resources, Business Owners Melissa Wesner Burnout, Anxiety, Resources, Business Owners Melissa Wesner

How Companies Can Partner with Local Therapy Practices to Improve Their Employees’ Mental Health

Partnering with local counseling practices can be a valuable way to improve the mental health of your employees. These collaborations help your employees on an individual basis while helping the productivity and health of the company as a whole. Here are a few ways that companies can collaborate with counseling practices to support your employees’ mental health.

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