Educational Blogs from Our Mental Health Therapists

Learn about common challenges, including depression, anxiety, relationships,
trauma, and more, written by Maryland therapists!

Boundaries: A Key Aspect of Healthy Relationships and Protecting Your Peace

Setting a boundary with someone means clearly communicating the limitations and rules of your relationship with them. Typically, your personal boundaries will stem from your values and experiences. While setting a boundary might start an uncomfortable conversation, the power and confidence of saying “no” is an important skill in fostering healthy relationships (with others and with yourself!). 

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Re-Examine Independence and Embrace Healthy Dependency

“I hate that I want someone. Can’t I just be ok being alone?, ” a client of mine used to complain about her “being so needy”. In therapy, it was not uncommon to hear people feeling ashamed about needing someone. – In that sense, my client was not alone. Even among mental health practitioners, early training on mental wellness heavily emphasized independence – you are responsible for what you feel, no one else.

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Relationships, Depression, Trauma and PTSD Melissa Wesner Relationships, Depression, Trauma and PTSD Melissa Wesner

Repair, Not Re-Traumatize: Beginning to Heal Relationship Wounds

“Can he/she just move on?” People sometimes get frustrated about their partner’s unforgiveness. They have to tiptoe around their partner, trying to avoid their raw spots. “Ever since then, she has become super sensitive about my interactions with other women on social media,” said someone who discussed his wife’s “overaction” after he entered into an affair years ago. 

The truth is, without genuine emotional connection between both parties, without corrective emotional response from the injured person, without actions that met the deep needs that have been ignored for so long,  “moving-on” would be extremely hard, if not impossible.

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Communication Skills, Relationships, Resources Melissa Wesner Communication Skills, Relationships, Resources Melissa Wesner

Learning to Fight Against the Pattern, and Not Your Partner

Why is it important to look at the relationship instead of the other person? Because we all carry assumptions, unrealistic expectations, and even baggage from previous relationships. Merely focusing on what our partner has done/said wrong, will result in missing the chance to examine what really gets in the way.

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Catching the Bullet: How to Practice Nonviolent Communication with Your Partner

In wedding vows, we promise that we are going to “love”, “cherish”, “support, etc.” our partners through all the ups and downs. It might sound weird to promise “not to use violence” to our partners, probably because people rarely consider themselves capable of getting violent with their significant others.

Although we all dream of a peaceful home, we can shoot word bullets at our loved ones without even noticing. That's why it is crucial to begin by recognizing the bullets.

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Relationships, Sex Therapy Melissa Wesner Relationships, Sex Therapy Melissa Wesner

3 Common Myths and Beliefs About Sex Debunked

Sometimes, we have strongly held beliefs that we’ve never questioned. There are times when we might not even be aware that we’ve been clinging to beliefs that are untrue and that don’t actually serve us. In this article, we’ll be talking about 3 common myths about sex, reasons they can be problematic, and ways that you can change your thinking.

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Relationships, Sex Therapy Melissa Wesner Relationships, Sex Therapy Melissa Wesner

What is Sexual Health and Why Is It Important?

You may have seen images of  wellness wheels that highlight the different components of wellness. These wellness wheels remind us that our health and well-being is more than just our physical health. And yet, even some of the most thorough wellness wheels still forgot to include sexual health as one of the components of wellness. Before, we dive in and define sexual health for you, take a moment to consider what comes to mind when you think about what sexual health entails. 

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Communication Skills, Relationships Melissa Wesner Communication Skills, Relationships Melissa Wesner

How to Effectively Connect with Your Partner Using Stress-Reducing Conversations

Some couples find that they naturally develop rituals like a hug or a kiss when they part ways at the start of the day and when they reunite.  It’s easy to get caught up in the busy-ness of the day, however, so many couples can benefit from developing intentional rituals in their day. One such ritual developed by John and Julie Gottman at The Gottman Institute is known as the “Stress Reducing Conversation.” 

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