Educational Blogs from Our Mental Health Therapists

Learn about common challenges, including depression, anxiety, relationships,
trauma, and more, written by Maryland therapists!

Business Owners, Mindfulness, Motivation Melissa Wesner Business Owners, Mindfulness, Motivation Melissa Wesner

Mastering Your Mindset for Mental Health and Business

Whether you’re talking to a coach or a counselor, both will agree that your mindset matters.  We may use different language to discuss this topic, but the way you think and talk to yourself will impact your business and your mental health and emotional well-being. If you’re an entrepreneur who knows that you get caught up in unhelpful ways of thinking, you’re in the right spot!

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Mindfulness in Action: How Entrepreneurs Can Incorporate Mindfulness Concepts Into Their Day

Busy entrepreneurs who are interested in mindfulness might be concerned about having one more thing to do each day. Mindfulness, however, is a practice that we can integrate into our day. It’s not a task that requires us to set aside additional time. In fact, applying mindfulness concepts and practices can help us to be more calm, present, and focused as we go about our day. Let's take a look at how busy entrepreneurs can utilize these concepts throughout the day.

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The Power of Retreats: 10 Ways They Fuel Success for Small Business Owners

As a small business owner, the journey to success can be both thrilling and demanding. Research has shown that retreats offer numerous advantages for entrepreneurs, ranging from increased productivity and creativity to improved overall well-being. In this article, we will delve into ten research-backed ways that retreats can benefit small business owners and transform their professional lives.

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Resources, Online Counseling, Motivation Melissa Wesner Resources, Online Counseling, Motivation Melissa Wesner

How Motivational Interviewing Can Help You Make Change

Motivational interviewing (MI) is a counseling technique that helps individuals explore and resolve ambivalence about making changes in their lives. It helps individuals identify their own reasons for change, rather than imposing change on them. The reality is that we all have behaviors that we want to change. And we all have behaviors that we have talked about changing for a long time without actually following through.

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Burnout, Anxiety, Resources, Motivation Melissa Wesner Burnout, Anxiety, Resources, Motivation Melissa Wesner

Four Tips for Increasing Motivation In All Areas of Life

There are a variety of things that can influence how motivated someone is feeling such as being overwhelmed, burned out, anxious, depressed, perfectionistic, rigid, fearful, and many more. One’s motivation (or lack thereof)  may depend on a number of factors. Here are some tips that you can use to help you increase motivation. 

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