Chinese Culture and The Stigma of Counseling

It’s not uncommon for people in the Chinese community to experience doubt or uncertainty about the idea of receiving counseling services. People may feel uncomfortable seeking help for their mental health issues when they are experiencing something difficult in their lives. While counseling can be helpful for addressing stressors and mental health concerns, there are a number of reasons why people may not be seeking out the counseling services that can help them. In this blog, I’ll be talking about 5 barriers to seeking mental health therapy in the Chinese community, and 5 reasons why people should consider counseling services.   

5 Barriers to Seeking Mental Health Therapy in the Chinese Community

1. People don’t know if they need counseling

Due to lack of knowledge about mental health in the general public, people may not know that they are experiencing mental health symptoms that can be addressed through counseling. A lot of people don’t have the concept in mind that seeking counseling can help them navigate challenging moments.  A lot of people may think that having stress or depressive thoughts is considered β€œnormal” and they don’t really need help to address that.  Some may not be aware of the symptoms they are experiencing. 

2. A β€œTough it out” ideology

therapy in Chinese, counseling in Chinese, Chinese therapist in Towson, MD, Chinese counselor in Towson, MD

The norm in Chinese culture is to adapt to the concept of β€œtough it out”. Many Chinese people don’t like to give off a sense of weakness to anyone, including their family members, friends and a counselor.  Many times, showing difficult emotions or struggles to an outsider such as a counselor is a sign of weakness. With this idea in mind, it pushes a lot of people away from the idea of seeking help from a professional or someone they don’t know. It is important that they are strong within themselves. 

3. Difficulty accessing mental health counseling services

When people in China are having severe mental health illness or issues, they are referred to the hospital or to a mental health institution. There are many small private businesses that are now growing. However, insurance companies usually do not cover therapy sessions. High fees and lack of insurance coverage can make seeking counseling services difficult.  People want to have a quick fix.  They have high expectations from their counselor to solve their problems, and if there isn’t a quick cure, the drop out rate can be high.  It’s important for mental health therapists in the United States to understand cultural differences and perspectives on receiving counseling services.  

In the United States, it can be difficult for Chinese individuals to find counseling services in Chinese.  While some individuals may be bilingual, it can feel more comfortable to share in one’s native language. Lack of access to counseling in Chinese becomes one more barrier to getting the help needed. It may also be difficult for individuals to find a mental health therapist who understands their culture.  

4. There’s a lot of stigma surrounding mental health and counseling.

There is a strong stigma about mental health in Chinese culture. Many times, people are given negative labels about their mental health or their diagnosis which impacts how they are treated by others and society at large. For example, people may be told there is something wrong with their brain, or that they must be crazy if they are experiencing certain symptoms. It has created barriers for people that want to seek help or need to seek help from mental health professionals.  

5. People are unfamiliar with counseling and don’t know where to start. 

An individual sleeping on their laptop. LifeSpring offers Counseling in Mandarin Chinese at our Baltimore, MD office. Whether you’re an international student or international worker, there are counseling services available to you in Chinese!

Seeking professional help from a counselor isn’t something people think of when they are experiencing mental health symptoms. People tend to rely on friends and family when they want to talk about their problems or feelings. In addition, people may find it hard to know when it is appropriate to seek help. Thus, people may learn that keeping it to themselves is fine and acceptable.  When people have never sought counseling services before, they don’t know where to start, and they don’t necessarily understand how counseling can help.  

It will likely take time for people to fully accept the idea that seeking mental health counseling is a way of taking care of themselves. More public awareness and education in the Chinese community is needed to help people learn more about mental health and counseling. Below, you’ll find a list of 5 reasons why you might want to consider psychotherapy services. 

5 Reasons Why You Should Consider Mental Health Therapy

1. A counselor can help provide guidance in life.

Many times, people want guidance or feedback in life to help them navigate hardships. Seeking help from a trained professional can help you get through challenging situations. When people are going through life transitions, a nonjudgmental counselor can help you process your feelings openly. 

2. Mental health is just as important as physical health. 

A lot of times, Chinese culture neglects the importance of mental health.  People may not feel as comfortable addressing their mental health issues or concerns. It is important that people in Chinese communities become aware of their own mental health and feel safe working on concerns in life with support from family, friends and the larger society. 

An individual using a laptop that reads, β€œMental Health.” LifeSpring Counseling Services offers counseling in Chinese at our Greater Baltimore area office. We offer services that address depression, anxiety, grief and loss, trauma, and more!

3. Counseling can help improve your quality of life.

It might seem extreme that counseling can be this powerful. A lot of times when people fail to acknowledge and take care of their mental health symptoms, it can impact their social, occupational and personal life. Forming a strong therapeutic bond with a therapist of your own can help you process the emotions or circumstances that have been bothering you.  A counseling session is a place to show your authentic self.

4. Counseling can help you understand yourself. 

A counselor’s role is sometimes to help unpack a story or a traumatic event that can help the person understand more about the situation. Counseling takes time and effort but it helps people understand themselves more clearly and strongly. With the help of various techniques and orientations in therapy it can help a person understand their family or origin and their interpersonal relationships.  

5. Counseling can help you achieve your goals. 

When you work with a counselor, you and your counselor will work together to identify your treatment goals.  In counseling, you can work on learning new coping strategies, improving relationships, addressing stress and anxiety, and more.  Your counselor is there to work alongside you to help you feel better and achieve your goals. 

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Interested in Multicultural and/or Bilingual Counseling for Anxiety, Depression, Trauma, or Grief?

If you’re a Marylander who knows that counseling is the direction you need to take, the therapists at LifeSpring Counseling Services are here to help. We offer online counseling services for mindfulness, depression, anxiety, trauma, and grief and loss. We also offer Brainspotting as a specialized service, and Brainspotting can be done online, too!

Here’s how you can get started! Multicultural and bilingual counseling services for anxiety, depression, trauma, and grief and loss aren’t the only services offered at our Maryland office

The counselors and social workers at our Maryland office also offer counseling services for trauma, grief and loss, boundary setting, communication skills, and difficult life transitions. We also offer specialized counseling services including Brainspotting and spiritually-integrated counseling. Because we are located next to several local universities, we also work with college students and international students.


Written By: Alice Zhao, LCPC

PC: Ketut Subiyanto, cottonbro, Ekaterina Bolovtsova, & Polina Zimmerman on Pexels
Date of Download: 5/17/2021


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