Counseling for Assertiveness and Boundary Setting in Maryland

Empowering & Practical

A couple looking at one another closely while standing outside under a cloudy sky

Counseling for Communication and Boundary Setting throughout Maryland

Do you have difficulty communicating your wants and needs directly? Feel like a pushover and don’t know how to say “no?” Do you feel taken advantage of, and/or have difficulty communicating honestly and directly, creating unwanted consequences? Do You tend to shut down or lose your temper rather than communicate effectively? Have you been told your words are hurtful or abrasive, or negatively impacting your relationships? Communication is learned behavior, and it’s likely that you have been following a communication style that you’ve learned early on. The good news is that we can gain understanding of how we have been communicating while also learning more effective ways of doing so. It’s never too late to learn!

We Make Scheduling Easy!

  • 1. Call Us

    Give us a call at 410-497-8451, Monday through Friday, 9am-5pm and speak with our office admin who will help you get scheduled!

  • 2. Schedule With One of Our Therapists

    Click on the “Make an Appointment” button with the therapist of your choice here (make sure they’re accepting new clients). Follow the prompts to create your account, schedule an appointment, and complete the biography section. You got this!

  • 3. Send Us a Message to Get Started!

    Need help deciding which therapist is the best fit for you? Send us a message to get started.

Reasons People Seek Counseling for Communication & Boundary Setting

  • Learning to Speak Up Assertively

  • Learning to Say "No"

  • To Stop Being a Pushover

  • To Stop Getting Taken Advantage Of

  • To Start Respecting Themselves

  • To Manage Emotions to Help Communicate More Calmly

  • To Stop Shutting Down or Stop Blowing Up

  • To Show Respect and Care for Others When Communicating

A person holding a tiny plant outdoors

LifeSpring’s Approach to Counseling for Communication & Boundary Setting

At LifeSpring, we’ve helped other individuals go from communicating passively, passive aggressively, or aggressively to communicating assertively.

We’ve helped people find the balance between respecting themselves and others in the way that they communicate. We’ve helped people learn how to respect themselves by setting healthy boundaries and saying no when they want to say no.

What is Holding You Back from Starting Counseling for Communication & Boundary Setting?

If you fall into the people-pleasing camp, you may feel guilty or selfish for spending the time or energy to focus on yourself rather than the people around you. For others, you may not yet be convinced that your communication skills are a problem. At this point, you may only be going by the feedback others have given you. It’s important to know that seeking counseling shows insight and openness to growth. Getting help for yourself is not selfish. We make time for the things that are important to us, so what does it say if we are not willing to invest time into ourselves?

Other Mental Health Services at LifeSpring

Counseling for children and teens isn’t the only counseling service offered at our office. Our Greater Baltimore mental health counseling office also offers individual counseling services for adults and college students dealing with anxiety, depression, grief and loss, interpersonal violence, and trauma. We also offer specialized counseling services including online therapy, Brainspotting, faith-based counseling, mindfulness-based counseling, and counseling in Chinese.