Trauma Therapy in Maryland
Empowering & Informative
Trauma and PTSD Counseling throughout Maryland
You're tired of being preoccupied with your past or worried about your future. You’re tired of people telling you that you overreact, you pull away, or you are “not yourself.” You may be questioning your faith or looking at others differently. For a long time you’ve had trouble trusting others, feel numb, or flooded by emotions. You’re easily overwhelmed by daily tasks, having problems sleeping, or doing risky things that are not in your best interest. Our life experiences belong to us. They help define us but they do not predetermine our existence. We build our lives through relationships, beliefs, values, actions and experiences. We learn to adjust and manage ourselves as we make sense of life events. When we are robbed of trust, safety, dignity, love and stability through trauma, we are shaken to the core. Balanced, healthy development is interrupted and our sense of normalcy is challenged. We find extraordinary ways to survive extraordinary circumstances.
We Make Scheduling Easy!
1. Call Us
Give us a call at 410-497-8451, Monday through Friday, 9am-5pm and speak with our office admin who will help you get scheduled!
2. Schedule With One of Our Therapists
Click on the “Make an Appointment” button with the therapist of your choice here (make sure they’re accepting new clients). Follow the prompts to create your account, schedule an appointment, and complete the biography section. You got this!
3. Send Us a Message to Get Started!
Need help deciding which therapist is the best fit for you? Send us a message to get started.
Common Responses to Trauma Include…
High Anxiety or Arousal
Feelings of Shame or Guilt
Feeling Overwhelmed
Reactions to Reminders (Unwanted Thoughts, Flooding Emotions, Avoidance)
Changes in Attitude, View of the World, or View of Self
Engaging in Risk-Taking Behaviors (Sex, Gambling, Illegal Activity)
Using Alcohol/Drugs in Excess
Shifts in Relationships (Unhealthy Boundaries, Low Tolerance, or Communication Problems)
Self-Injurious Behaviors (Cutting, Over or Under-eating, Suicidal Ideation)
Excessive Anger and/or Frequent Outbursts
Sleep Difficulties (Insomnia, Nightmares, Oversleeping)
LifeSpring’s Approach to Trauma and PTSD Counseling
At our Maryland Counseling practice, we have more than one option when it comes to treating trauma and PTSD. Fortunately, we have several skilled trauma-informed therapists at our office.
We offer online Brainspotting or in-person Brainspotting, individual talk therapy that incorporates mindfulness and body-based interventions, Christian-based counseling or pastoral counseling for those who want to make sure that their spiritual beliefs, values, and world views are recognized and incorporated into the healing process, and online therapy for busy individuals or those who are outside of the Greater Baltimore area who still wish to access these services.

What is Holding You Back from Starting Counseling for Trauma and PTSD?
Types of Trauma We Help Address
Physical and/or Emotional Abuse
Sexual Abuse/Assault
Workplace Injuries and/or Assaults
Traumatic Events Witnessed On the Job
Vicarious Trauma Related to One's Occupation
Car Accidents and/or Natural Disasters
Painful Family of Origin Experiences
Trauma Experienced as a Result of One's Race, Culture, Language, or Country of Origin
Interpersonal Violence such as Domestic Violence/Abuse
It’s not unusual to be cautious or uncertain about entering therapy for trauma. The trauma symptoms, like mistrust or shame, get in the way of people calling to get help. Therapy is an opportunity for you to take ownership of your life in a healthy way. Whether you are dealing with the impact of rape, childhood abuse, intimate partner violence, incarceration, or more. It’s important for you to know that post-traumatic growth is possible!

“Where there is no struggle, there is no strength.”
Oprah Winfrey
Other Mental Health Services at LifeSpring
Counseling for children and teens isn’t the only counseling service offered at our office. Our Greater Baltimore mental health counseling office also offers individual counseling services for adults and college students dealing with anxiety, depression, grief and loss, interpersonal violence, and trauma. We also offer specialized counseling services including online therapy, Brainspotting, faith-based counseling, mindfulness-based counseling, and counseling in Chinese.
Written by: Melissa Cole, LCSW-C