Educational Blogs from Our Mental Health Therapists

Learn about common challenges, including depression, anxiety, relationships,
trauma, and more, written by Monkton, MD therapists!

Depression Melissa Wesner Depression Melissa Wesner

Signs and Symptoms of Depression & What to Look For

Depression is a mood disorder that includes sadness, feelings of emptiness, irritability, and physical and cognitive changes. These symptoms can be distressing and disrupt your day-to-day life. These symptoms can also vary in severity and intensity. Depression sometimes creates difficulty getting out of bed, consistent crying, severe fatigue, and complete social withdrawal. Here are the symptoms of depression that can be both severe and subtle.

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College Students, Anxiety, Depression Melissa Wesner College Students, Anxiety, Depression Melissa Wesner

Managing Your Mental Health and Taking Care of Yourself as a College Student

Taking care of yourself and your mental health is always important, but it is extra important while in college. Making sure that your mental health is stable is beneficial to you while in college because it will help you better balance all of your responsibilities. Conversely, if you are struggling with your mental health, it can contribute to issues such as reducing productivity, focus, and overall performance in school. Here are some ways that you can try to take care of your mental health while pursuing your degree.

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Depression, Resources Melissa Wesner Depression, Resources Melissa Wesner

How to Help a Friend Who is Thinking About Suicide

The topic of suicide is one that can make people feel really nervous.  The average person isn’t trained to recognize the warning signs of suicide or how to respond in a way that’s helpful.  As a result, we can feel panicky and helpless when someone we know shares that they’re having these thoughts. Here are some steps you can take to help a friend, family member, or colleague who discloses that they’re thinking about suicide. 

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疫情下如何检测自己是否抑郁和焦虑: 5种缓解负面情绪的方法 / Depression and Anxiety During the Pandemic: 5 Ways to Cope

作为一名身处海外的华人的心理咨询师,我能理解遇到一场突如其来的疫情时,我们想的是家,亲人,祖国,或者正在着急寻找一个安全的避难所。可是我们如今留在美国,为了读书,工作或者安居,可能很难突然放弃一切,放下当下所有,不顾一切的离开。 那么异国他乡的你是不是在这个时候会感觉更加的孤单,难过,和无助?感受不到亲人和家给你带来的温暖和依靠。面对远离了知己好友在身边玩耍和嬉闹的日子。以及工作上的解雇,无薪休假的选择,和没有了薪资的保障。而让你变得更加着急,忧郁,和无奈?那么我们可以先看看自己是否已存在患有抑郁症或者焦虑症的可能性。但是在自我检测的时候,不需要紧张,认识问题是解决问题的第一步。也不用马上对号入座,立马断定自己就是重度抑郁症,或者是严重焦虑症患者,真正需要诊断的话,还需要考虑很多其他因素。

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