What to expect at your very first therapy session in Maryland?
Support and Relief
Preparing for Your First Counseling Appointment
Your first therapy session can be both exciting and anxiety-provoking, especially if you’ve never been to counseling before and don’t really know what to expect. On this page, we hope to clarify what you can expect to help put you at ease.
At the start of your first visit, we’ll have some important paperwork for you to review. These documents will provide information about the counseling process and what you can expect. They also outline office practices that will be helpful for you to know about. You may also be asked to complete screening forms that will give your provider information about how you are doing.
During this first visit, your provider will be asking about your reason for seeking counseling services, and they will be reviewing information that you have provided to them through your electronic health record. Your provider will be asking about your goals for counseling, and what you need from them as your provider.
If you’re wanting to be prepared for your first visit, thinking about the following questions can help:
What is your reason for seeking counseling?
What are you hoping to get out of counseling?
What are some of the challenges you’ve been experiencing?
What are the goals that you would like to work on?
How will you know when you have achieved those goals? What will be different?
What would you like your counselor to know about you?
What kind of support do you need to work well with your counselor? -
One common concern is that you’ll be judged for the information that you share. We want you to know that you can expect to find a nonjudgmental person in front of you when you come to LifeSpring. We are aware that people tend to judge themselves harshly as it is, so you don’t need us for that! What we will do is support you, walk along side you, and help you work towards your goals. If being judged is something you’ve been worried about, rest assured that there’s no need for that concern.