Educational Blogs from Our Mental Health Therapists

Learn about common challenges, including depression, anxiety, relationships,
trauma, and more, written by Maryland therapists!

Sex Therapy, Communication Skills, Resources Melissa Wesner Sex Therapy, Communication Skills, Resources Melissa Wesner

How to Talk With Your Healthcare Provider About Your Sexual Health

Consider, when was the last time you had a conversation with your doctor, nurse, or therapist about your sexual health? When was the last time they asked you about your sexual health? If you’re like many, it’s possible that you’ve never had this conversation with your provider and/or that they’ve never tried having this conversation with you either.

So the question remains, why is nobody talking about sexual health when it is a crucial component of our overall wellness? And, what are the steps we can take to change that?

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Relationships, Sex Therapy Melissa Wesner Relationships, Sex Therapy Melissa Wesner

3 Common Myths and Beliefs About Sex Debunked

Sometimes, we have strongly held beliefs that we’ve never questioned. There are times when we might not even be aware that we’ve been clinging to beliefs that are untrue and that don’t actually serve us. In this article, we’ll be talking about 3 common myths about sex, reasons they can be problematic, and ways that you can change your thinking.

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Relationships, Sex Therapy Melissa Wesner Relationships, Sex Therapy Melissa Wesner

What is Sexual Health and Why Is It Important?

You may have seen images of  wellness wheels that highlight the different components of wellness. These wellness wheels remind us that our health and well-being is more than just our physical health. And yet, even some of the most thorough wellness wheels still forgot to include sexual health as one of the components of wellness. Before, we dive in and define sexual health for you, take a moment to consider what comes to mind when you think about what sexual health entails. 

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Sex Therapy Melissa Wesner Sex Therapy Melissa Wesner

What is Sex Therapy? Frequently Asked Questions

For some people this might sound like a rather obvious question.  In reality, it is one of the most frequent questions I am asked when people call about services.  People often want to know what sex therapy is and how it can be used to help them with their specific sexual health concerns. People also want to know what a sex therapy session will be like. For this reason, I’ve created a Q and A style article to help answer these most frequently asked questions.

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