Ways to Improve Your Time Management Skills to Reduce Stress

Hectic schedules can be quite distressing and intimidating. Sometimes it can feel like we have a million things to do and no time to do it, or it may feel like we have so many things we want to do but are unsure when to fit it in. Having strong and reliable time management skills is very important for reducing the stress associated with situations like this. Time management skills can be beneficial in a variety of settings such as college, graduate school, parenting, careers, social activities, and engaging in self care. Strong time management skills can help to make sure you complete the things you have to do, and find time to do the things you want to do.

The first step in managing your time is identifying a system for organizing your day, week, or month. A good way to do this is to get a planner or find a calendar that works for you. If you prefer to use a device such as a phone, laptop, or tablet then that is fine. If you prefer a paper version such as a planner, wall calendar, or desk calendar then that is also fine. Sometimes a combination of both can be helpful so you have access to it if you are out with your device but have it in writing when needed as well. Ultimately, it is about what is best for you and your preferences. After finding the method that works best for you, write down the things you have to do each day and what time they occur. This can be helpful for you to find the available pockets of time. In those pockets of time you can fill them how you want to. Whether that be around your class schedule, around your work schedule, or around your child’s schedule you will be able to see the time periods that are free. In those spaces put something you want to do like exercise, self care, completing a project, or any other miscellaneous task that requires completion. This can be helpful for seeing when you are busy but also for seeing when you are not. 

A weekly calendar and some pens resting on a knitted blanket. LifeSpring Counseling Services offers online therapy for those looking to address life stress, life transitions, and more in the Greater Baltimore area.

Another helpful strategy for time management is making lists of things you need to complete. This allows you to see all the things you need to get done and reduces the worry that you may forget about the things you need to do. After writing down all the things you want/need to do, go through the list and organize them in order of priority. What feels the most important? What has a definite deadline? If something does not have a hard deadline then you can give it a deadline that you feel is appropriate to help with your motivation. Putting them in an order that they should be completed in can help you feel like you have order and control over the tasks you need to complete. This can help reduce feelings of being overwhelmed. Another great thing about lists is you can scratch things off once completed. This can give a small sense of accomplishment and you can watch your list shrink. 

Something else that can be beneficial for time management is decreasing procrastination and avoiding multitasking. Procrastination can be something that everyone experiences, and it can feel very easy to fall into. People can procrastinate for a variety of reasons, but trying to avoid it is what is important. Sometimes we feel like we have no time to do things when in fact we do have the time, we just spend it doing other things that might not be on our list to avoid the list of things. Good examples of things that can be procrastination are watching TV or scrolling social media. To help with procrastination, try incorporating something fun and small into your time period of work to give yourself a break. Something else that can interrupt our time management is multitasking. Multitasking can seem like it is helpful at first glance but really it is not. People tend to be more productive when focusing on just one thing at a time. Multitasking can make something that would not normally take much time take even longer to complete. Try focusing on one thing at a time and not starting something else until you complete that first task. 

Time management can be very important and very beneficial to have. Time management skills can help us feel like we have control over the things we need to do and a plan for how to do them. Good time management can also help us to do the things we want to do and that are good for us. Developing these skills can be crucial for stress relief and can be very beneficial for increasing productivity. Time management skills can be beneficial to you in any type of setting or stage of life. These can be extremely helpful for students in school but it can also be very helpful if your job is hectic or if your family has a lot going on. Developing these skills can roll over and be helpful throughout your life. 

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Interested in Counseling for Motivation, Anxiety, Stress, or Burnout and Fatigue?

If you’re a Marylander who knows that counseling is the direction you need to take, the therapists at LifeSpring Counseling Services are here to help. We offer online counseling services for mindfulness, depression, anxiety, trauma, and grief and loss. We also offer Brainspotting as a specialized service, and Brainspotting can be done online, too!

Here’s how you can get started! Online counseling for motivation, anxiety, stress, burnout, and fatigue aren’t the only services offered at our Maryland office

The counselors and social workers at our Maryland office also offer counseling services for trauma, grief and loss, boundary setting, communication skills, and difficult life transitions. We also offer specialized counseling services including Brainspotting and spiritually-integrated counseling. Because we are located next to several local universities, we also work with college students and international students.


Written by: Lindsay Fortier, LGPC

Photo Credit: Jess Bailey Designs, Karolina Grabowska, Tara Winstead, Angela Roma, & Content Pixie
Date of Download: 9/29/2021


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