Mental Health Counselor in Baltimore, MD
Mental Health Counselor in Baltimore, MD
No matter what emotions you are experiencing or circumstances you may find yourself in, you are not alone. You don’t have to go through difficult life transitions or conditions like depression, anxiety, grief and trauma by yourself. Experienced mental health professionals are available to provide the individual support that you need to feel better and live your best life. At LifeSpring Counseling, we specialize in delivering hope, healing and empowerment with compassionate and effective mental health counseling services. Our convenient and secure telehealth format has helped position us as the go-to practice for a mental health counselor in Baltimore, Maryland and throughout the State.
We understand that conflicts with work schedules and family obligations, as well as public health concerns, can come between you and receiving the mental health services you need. Fortunately, through our video conferencing platform, physically traveling to an office and meeting in-person are not required to work with a mental health counselor in Baltimore, Maryland from our team at LifeSpring Counseling. Your one-to-one session will be held remotely, using face-to-face video conferencing. You can attend sessions in the comfort and privacy of your own home – or any other confidential setting of your choice. Because we are physically located in Maryland, we can still connect you with any local resources that you may need.
There is no single correct way to achieve and maintain sound mental health. Your counselor will serve as your guide on your journey and help you explore various paths along the way. For example, if medication could be of help, and you are open to such treatment, we can refer you to local providers. We also offer grief counseling, faith-based counseling and multi-cultural counseling, as well as a modality-based treatment called Brainspotting, in addition to our standard one-on-one counseling service. Our versatility further secures our practice’s reputation as a great place to find a skilled mental health counselor in Baltimore, Maryland and beyond.
Only you will know when you are ready to start working with a mental health counselor in Baltimore, Maryland. Consider the following questions and arrive at your own decision. Are you ready to stop feeling sad, stressed, depressed, anxious or unsettled? If you had the tools to feel better, would you use them? Do you simply want support to begin making positive changes in your life? A yes answer to any of the previous questions likely indicates that you could benefit from our counseling services. It only takes an hour of your time each week to begin improving your wellbeing.
If you are in need of a mental health counselor in Baltimore, Maryland or the surrounding area, call us at (410) 497-8451, email hello@lifespringcounseling.net or use the form here on our website to get started.
Other Mental Health Services at LifeSpring
Counseling for children and teens isn’t the only counseling service offered at our office. Our Greater Baltimore mental health counseling office also offers individual counseling services for adults and college students dealing with anxiety, depression, grief and loss, interpersonal violence, and trauma. We also offer specialized counseling services including online therapy, Brainspotting, faith-based counseling, mindfulness-based counseling, and counseling in Chinese.