Are You a Good Fit For LifeSpring?

Diverse hands on a tree stump

How to Know if You are NOT a Good Fit for LifeSpring’s Full-Time Mental Health Therapist Position

There’s no organization in the world that will be a good fit for everyone, just as there’s no one person who can be a good fit for all organizations. The magic happens when a company and candidate both believe that they are a good fit for working together. We’re writing this article to clearly communicate who is NOT a good fit for the full-time mental health therapy positions at LifeSpring Counseling Services. And, if we’re not the right fit, there’s no judgment or hard feelings. There’s room in this world for all of us to take up space and do our thing!

You won’t be a good fit at LifeSpring if you’re a therapist who:

  • ✘ Is a lone ranger who doesn’t care about being a part of a team.

    Community, collaboration, and teamwork are important aspects of LifeSpring’s office culture. We hire caring therapists who are warm and supportive and who enjoy having a good time together. If you just want to clock in and then go home without ever talking to anyone, our office culture won’t be for you.

  • ✘ Doesn’t actually like doing therapy (Yes, that’s a thing).

    I know! I know! This statement might have you scratching your head, but the reality is that not all counselors and social workers actually enjoy doing therapy. If you’re not a people-person or if you don’t like doing therapy, this definitely won’t be the role for you. This role is all about doing therapy!

  • ✘ Just needs a job and doesn’t actually care about clients.

    Making sure that clients truly feel cared for is important to us, so we seek counselors and social workers who truly care about their clients. If you’re just looking for any ol’ job, this won’t be for you. We need therapists who love doing this work!

  • ✘ Likes to wear many different hats in the course of a day or week.

    Mental health therapy positions at LifeSpring are all about doing therapy. We have support teams in place to handle billing, marketing, and a majority of administrative tasks. If you don’t want to be doing anything but therapy, this is a great place for you. If, however, you need some variety throughout your day, this won’t be for you.

  • ✘ Gets burned out easily from seeing clients.

    If you already know that client work exhausts you and leaves you feeling drained, this won’t be the position for you. After all, this is a position that primarily entails doing therapy.

  • ✘ Doesn’t actually care about working at LifeSpring.

    You just want to learn the ropes and then skedaddle, so you can go and replicate services on your own. I know, that sounds awful! Unfortunately, I’ve heard many hiring horror stories from many group practices about people who said they wanted to work at their practices when really they just wanted free training and experience, so they can go out and do their own thing. This is definitely not cool as it's dishonest, and it costs practice owners a lot of time and money to train new employees who are only planning to leave in a matter of 6 months. If you want to learn about starting your own practice (which is fine), pay a consultant who can help you do that! I offer consultation service., I’m happy to help!

  • ✘ Isn’t interested in personal or professional growth.

    Our clinical team is invested in personal and professional growth. Our therapists read books that influence their personal and professional growth, they attend trainings, and reach out to peers and supervisors for support. Our team recognizes that life-long learning is an ongoing process.

  • ✘ Only cares about the money.

    I know! It’s hard to imagine that someone would go into the counseling or social work field if they only cared about money. That’s not what I mean here. As an insurance-friendly practice, our income is limited by what insurance companies pay us, and in turn, this impacts what we are able to pay our therapists. The therapists at our office understand this, and they value working at a practice that makes mental health counseling services more accessible and affordable.

If you’re reading this and gasping, I totally get it!  I’m being really up front and honest here! The purpose of writing this isn’t to be offensive, but to make it clear who is and who is not a good fit for our office. When we interview candidates, I let them know that it’s important for them to sit with this decision to make sure that it feels like a good fit for them. If it’s not a good fit for a candidate, it won’t be a good fit for us either. It’s got to be a win-win!  We look for therapists who know that working at LifeSpring is where they want to be!

If you think LifeSpring sounds like a good fit for you, fill out the form below.